This is a love story about me finding cheap, yet quality clothes and then internally screaming.
Okay, so there’s more to it than that, but that’s literally why I started this site. Scroll for some fast facts if that’s your thing.
My name is Jade and I run this website. I love long naps and eating triple the serving size. Also, that is me in the chicken mask with a thrifted bomber jacket. The red car too!
History Part 1
I come from a family of thrifters, but my mom truly instilled the way of the thrift in me.
I now barely buy certain items from non-secondhand stores because you can find better quality for a much better price. I’m just cheap most of the time, but I’ll drop extra coins on some ankle boots.
I built this site and it’s my precious digital child.
Ginger ale is delicious.
Single-digit prices are the best.
Look at this unimpressed statue
I have a passion for getting a lot for my money. It sounds much better than saying, “I’m cheap.” I started this website because I just really wanted to show off great secondhand finds.
I’ve even weirdly dubbed myself “The Coat Whisperer” because I always find amazing coats in thrift stores. It’s honestly a talent, but my closet is crying from being so packed.
That is me and my mom above! Check out the black jacket, it’s Wilson’s Leather and it has some serious shoulders. It was $21 from a local thrift store.